Rose Ag | Agriculture & Vineyard Contracting


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We can provide all your groundwork requirements, with 4.3 metre discs and cultivator setups, plus subsoil ripping.

Groundwork for vineyards & orchards

We can provide all your groundwork requirements, with 4.3 metre discs and cultivator setups, plus subsoil ripping.

We also operate a Duncan Ag seed drill ideally suited for use in vineyards & orchards. Its simple calibration system allows for an accurate setting of seeding rates and the sowing depth is controlled with press wheels and adjustments via a single “top link”. The 1835mm width is ideal for inter-row plantings.

Rose Ag

Contact us today for a consultation

We welcome hearing from you to discuss the work required on your property. Our team can discuss the specifics with you, as we recognise each job needs to be customised to our client’s needs. Let us create a solution for you.

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